About peacefulwatersphotography

A humble occupant of this great universe working out the reason for my existence. Following my bliss, and doing the most good before I depart this world.

Getting to Know Dania Beach Fla.

Dania Beach Florida, Broward County’s first city was originally called “Modello” by pioneer Developer W. C. Valentine in 1898. Twelve Danish families moved from Wisconsin and settled in “Modello”. In 1902, a Danish immigrant A.C. Frost built the first residential house, the first general store and two schools, he later became the first postmaster.

A. C. Frost Residence (Front)
A. C. Frost Residence (Side)

The town was incorporated in November 1904, with 35 residents most of Danish decent. the name was changed. By 1912 Diana was thriving with 1200 people. The Frost family had success with growing tomatoes under the brand Love Apples along with other farmers would fill rail cars of fresh tomatoes were transported to the Northern cities. The town had 14 packing houses 2 canning factories and a tomato paste producer. Tomatoes evolved to a multi-million dollar business and Dania became known as the Tomato Capital of the world. Unfortunately there is no sign of tomato farms today but is a interesting fact.

At that time being a agricultural community there was no focus on the beach. The Roaring Twenties brought about the Florida Building Boom promoting ocean resorts such as Hollywood by the sea. After a devastating fire of 1926 Diana voted to be annexed with Hollywood but the that was short lived because by 1927 they resumed its own identity. In 1998 the city was renamed Dania Beach. Today the citie’s Motto is Sea it. Live it. Love it. and is appealing vacation spot with the Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International airport being minutes away.

The Antique center along US 1 began in 1945, known as Antiques Row drew collectors from all over the country and nicknamed The Antique Capital of the South. There is still a good selection of Antique stores for the Antique aficionados.

Buildings on antique row US1

The City of Dania Beach in 2020 had a population of 31,723 and is a major player in South Florida’s academic, marine, and tourism industries. and in very close to the International airport and the Port (Port Everglades). There is a casino with 900 Las Vegas-Style slot machines. Beautiful beach with a modern pair. Many good eateries and shopping areas. There is a lot to-do visitors and residents. Take a look at the images taken with a 45 year old camera on black and white film.


Anyone can make a difference.

One of the benefits of the time change is the evening are longer. While enjoying one of these evenings I took a ride around the neighborhood and this gentleman was on the sidewalk with this sign. He stood on the bicycle path, so I came off the sidewalk and rode past him. As I did , I tried to read what was written on his sign. I wondered what he wanted to tell me.

It intrigued me so I turned the bicycle around and stopped him. I learned that he and his wife are from Egypt, and they are Christians and have been in the US for over ten years. He wanted to tell everyone he encountered the good news about salvation and that we are entering the end times were here.

Even though he speaks very little English and elderly he still is making a difference. He inspired me; I’ll remind myself when I have the next pity party (wondering why I am here and can I make a difference). That I should get up and show up and do my small part to make a difference in someone’s life today. Be blessed.

Be your BEST self


Why are we Here? Why do we exist? Most of us, if we are lucky, will live for at least seventy years. some will figure out why reasonably quickly; some never do. If you look at the statistics, you will find that the people who figure it out and do something to bring it to past live a happier and more satisfying life.

The other night I have the distinct pleasure of meeting Yvette Norwood Tiger and her husband at her jazz performance at the famed Ball and Chain in the Historic Downtown Miami. This club has been there since 1935 and has seen many notable jazz and blues artists.

Ms. Norwood-Tiger has a voice that reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holiday and she sings in many different languages. I went to her website and saw that she has tour dates not only in Florida but she will be going on a European tour. When she comes to your city, go see her; she is phenomenal.

If you are privileged to see her show, she usually will share her testimony that many years ago, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and the doctors did not expect her to survive. If she did, she would not likely be able to sing or even listen to music again. But along with Gods grace and some good doctors, she survived and has become an international Singer.

I got the chance to chat with her between sets.  Yvette was born with this ability to sing, but because of fear, she never sang publicly. In fact, neither her mother nor father heard her sing until just before the end of their life. She hid her talent from everyone even to those closest to her. I was flabbergasted because to see her on stage, it’s like she was transported to her happy place. It is like this is where she was born to be.

After further probing, I found out that she is an introvert, but after being to death’s door and after being given a chance at life, she decided to use her talent, her GOD given ability, the reason for her existence. With the Lord’s help, she conquered her fear, and now it is her passion.

We are all guilty. we all let fear or some other excuses to hold us back stop us from being our very best self.  We get an unknown amount of years to make a difference. Are you satisfied with the years you have used? Make a difference today! Don’t wait for the perfect time.

The ideal time will never come.

Time never stops

_DSC0603No matter what happens time continues to move forward, There are times in my life when I have just wanted it to stop so that I can take a break to “call cree”( Jamaican word for stop and take a break).

Life can become overwhelming like a runaway train that you wish you could get off, but for whatever reason, you choose not to disembark.

Some people spend their time counting days, hours, minutes waiting for the end of the day, end of the week or until its time to take their vacation. The counting continues until its time to retire. Then retirement comes along and they are not able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.  Sounds sad? That’s so many peoples reality.

Choose not to feel trapped or stuck but rather enjoy your life and be happy!

Give it a try. Stop the train and get off. Live your Life to the fullest!

Costa Rica Vacation


In September 2018 I went to Costa Rica for the first time. What a beautiful Country! From landing in this country I could see the beauty in the land and the people.

I made the trip with my sister (we adopted each other) and her husband who visited the country before and fell in love with it and encouraged me to come down and I am so glad   I took them up on the invitation.

We are staying in a small town in the shadow of the Arenal Volcano called La Fortuna a quaint town with lots to do. We are here in the offseason or rainy season. As long as you are ok with it raining every day it’s great! Very few tourist around, No crowds, just you hiking on the trails just bring rain gear and wear waterproof shoes because of the rain and mud.

The temperature is perfect 75 degrees with a slight breeze. I seat in my Airbnb apartment with the front and back door open and the breeze and sounds are enchanting the birds, roosters, and raindrops coupled with the breeze make for a perfect lazy Sunday morning. Looking out the back door at this majestic Volcano wishing I never had to leave.

I will be back Costa Rico, I’ll be back La Fortuna. Thank You for one of the best vacations.

Keep ON Moving Forward!

keepmovingforward2The hills and Valleys make life interesting. There is never a dull moment. It can be exciting, distressing or worrisome just by the way you react.

You may know, I am working towards the goal of full timing it on the road in a travel trailer.  This blog is dedicated to the journey………

While driving my current car stopped in the middle of a busy intersection about 45 minutes from home.  I was traveling with a friend that day, and we were able to push it into a parking lot close by so I could assess the situation.

It just would not start, so I needed to get it to a repair shop to have them diagnose the problem. Because it was a busy area, there were many auto mechanics within walking distance.

After a short walk, the second garage I stopped at was helpful and got a tow truck to tow it the mile to their garage.

Even though it was an unfortunate situation, so many things worked out that day, including having another friend that was visiting out of town who was able to pick me up and take me to work on time.

The car is in the shop as I write this and it will take quite a bit to fix it but after all is said and done the resale value will increase.

As they say, I had His favor that day and His blessing shines on me every day.

Remember you have the option of looking at your challenges in a positive or a negative light.

Saying Yes!

When I am fearful, or I am unsure of the outcome it is so easy to say no. To not step out of my comfort zone, not to take a risk.  There are countless times I have chosen to take the safe route.

No more! From now on, I will say yes even if I doubt my abilities or the voice in my head is saying you are not good enough. As the saying goes, the Lord does not call the equipped. He equips the called.

A few days ago a customer that approached me several years ago about helping her with her project, but because I was unsure of my abilities and I convinced myself that I had nothing to contribute, so I avoided committing to a meeting.  Reached out to me and wanted us to meet, I said yes, and we had a constructive meeting, and now we are working together on completing her project.

There are many accounts, where people who were not qualified in a particular area that has made significant strides in the same area.

If you have a gut feeling that you should be perusing particular profession whether it is preaching, acting, photography or any other occupation, you Will make a difference, step out in faith and go for it. Your true Happiness depends on it!

It is easier said than done…..because I struggle in this area every day. There are times I feel unworthy or ill-equipped. This is where affirmations are important. The more I say YES to being uncomfortable. The more I step out in faith, the stronger I will become.

There is nothing that we cannot do without His help. Make a difference! Live your destiny!

What’s Next!????

Photo Aug 07, 12 02 02 PMWhats next???? Now that I have stepped out in faith and told the universe my intention, and asking the Lord for guidance.

After hitting the post button, on my previous post, I could feel my anxiety level increase dramatically for a few hours. After quieting my mind with meditation, I was reminded of all the times the Lord has worked things out, in other words, the Universe came up to meet my intentions.

Fear, coupled with procrastination has made me able to stay in my safe but unfulfilled life. I sit here in Starbucks writing this with the realization that time goes so quickly and the clock is ticking every day.

  1. Make Affirmations! I am good enough!, I am smart enough! I am attractive enough! And so on…… is a way to retraining my brain especially when I start thinking negatively.
  2. Write Down Goals! I struggle with writing things down, not sure why, but maybe the reason why is because by not writing down my goals, I would not have written a document to keep me accountable. For me, now writing this Blog is a way me accountable and to inspire me to keep going, to keep moving forward no matter how small. As my dear friend more like sister says, little progress is still progress.
  3. Keep Motivated! I have found that I get motivation from walking or riding my bicycle in Nature and if I can capture a beautiful image its a bonus.  Also, Reading about hiking and exploring. I am in the process of making and hanging a dream board or a better word…. a goal board so that it will be a daily reminder to work towards my goals.
  4. Make a step towards my goal daily no matter how small.
  5. Look out for opportunities that will present themselves and not make fear or procrastination hold me back.
  6. Get my mind and body mentally and physically prepared for the journey by reading and exercise.
  7. Refuse to listen to limiting beliefs.
  8. Don’t wait for the time is right to move forward. Jump!

A New Journey

I have said it before many times LIFE IS SHORT, ENJOY THE JOURNEY. It has been a dream of mine for some time and now, a goal….  To travel the United States in a  Travel Trailer.

I decided to document my journey starting from today.

I was listening to a preacher, and he spoke about the Faith of Bartimaeus, a blind man who pursued Jesus for healing. Bartimaeus had stepped out with Blind Faith literally.

This resonated with me, and confirms that HE wants me to proceed with this endeavor! And it will take Blind Faith to see this one through.

So with that, I proceed, and I will try to listen to My Lord’s direction.

After thinking about the best way to travel, but staying open to the Lord to change and direct all aspects of this Journey, but my vision is to buy a 4 wheel drive type tow vehicle and travel trailer. This combination should be efficient and economical to transport.

Outdoor Photography is one of my passions and creating beautiful images. I will be traveling the country finding beautiful Images that inspire, uplift, motivate and bring peace to individuals.

It is my sincere belief that we all are placed here for a reason, and each one of us has a passion, unfortunately, not all of us are brave enough to follow our bliss.

It is so easy to come up with excuses why something cannot be done. Excuses hold us back from using our God-given potential. Get rid of the excuses in your head, Just Do It!

Ok Before the trip starts what will I  need?

  • A way to generate income on the road.
  • A reliable tow vehicle like an SUV that will be able to pull a trailer
  • A Travel Trailer

What about this current job do you like?

  • Meeting new people every day and helping clients create their printing/publishing ideas or projects.
  • Editing images

What are my personality traits? (the way I see it)

Empathy, caring, upbeat, and positivity.

It is also my belief that everything that happens to us good and bad will be used to accomplish your goals. Our experiences will mold us and shape us if we allow the Lord or the divine to use it for good.

Be Open

Be Flexible

Be Positive

Be Brave

Be Confident

And have Faith Knowing the Lord or the Divine will Come to meet you where we are!

Enjoy The Journey.

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Turning Disappointment into Divine Appointment 

For the past few days, I have decided to disconnect. Disconnect from the news and all negative social media. This gave me an opportunity to adjust my attitude and my outlook. As I ask the Lord to help me process the events of the last few days where the country (my country) has elected Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States. After much meditation and praying, I have come to this conclusion.

Where do we go from here? Is on many people’s mind. Some people are relieved, and others are disappointed. But regardless if you are exuberant or saddened, as a country we have to go on, and we have to move forward.

For all my Christian friends on either side of the issue…… this outcome is not a mistake. The Lord has allowed Mr. Trump to get to the White House. We all agree that when he started out, many of us did not take him seriously. He was the underdog but yet he triumphed! It is my opinion he had God on his side.

For everyone else regardless of what you believe, I am sure you will agree that this is not a mistake.

The question I asked myself and would like to ask you……. Am I willing to accept the results and move forward and work together for the good of the country? If your answer is YES! then we have work to do.

  1. Accept that our President is now going to be Donald Trump.
  2. Stay Positive. Refrain from entering into negative talk about this election and our President-elect.
  3. Disconnect from any or all media that sensationalize this process. (personally, have avoided listening or watching the news or coverage of the election)
  4. Go out and volunteer. You can make a difference in your small circle.
  5. Pray that the Lord will use Mr. Trump to really make America Great Again for all and not a few.

Life is short, and we are only here for a short time, Let’s unite and make a difference. Make a difference for our children and for our grandchildren. Put away Greed, Anger, and Resentment. As the Lord said……… Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. 

Making life’s disappointments into life’s lessons…

The popular saying a few years ago was, “S**t happens”. Well, I am here to say that all of us have unfortunate things that happen in our lives, but the big difference between one another is our reaction.

I am no expert by any means but from my observations. As human beings, we have a tendency to want to blame ourselves, blame someone else, or blame God. But in any case, we try to rationalize why situations occur the way they do. All these reactions are not constructive in my opinion.

I had the opportunity to learn this a few days ago. I potentially lost a significant amount of money (at least for me). Money that I was planning to use… I watched the opportunity literally fall out of my hands!

A friend was with me and I could see the pain of not been able to help in his face. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach. After I got over the shock and started to breathe I felt myself wanting to play the “What if” game in my head… What if I did something different? What if I did it earlier? And so on. I had to stop this line of thinking, realizing it was not constructive. From there, I analyzed the damage and started to be thankful. Thankful that the situation was not worse. Thankful for the opportunity to learn something that God wanted to teach me.

It’s a simple fact that we live in a corrupt world and bad things happen. But I believe that God allows bad things to happen so that we all have the opportunity to learn, grow, and become spiritually stronger. If life was too easy, what use would we have for Faith? What need would we have for God? Would we even appreciate Him?

So I made a choice: move on and appreciate the Lord and ask for His guidance

As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons – make lemonade!



I Surrender All

All to Jesus I Surrender……..

On Sunday I sing this Hymn, But do I really mean it.

Do I surrender my life, my finances, my plans, my dreams…everything.

Doing these three things helps me give Him my All…..

Stepping out in Faith……… I must admit that sometimes it is hard to do because I have to give up the driver’s seat but it gets easier the more I do it because I can see how amazing God is and he takes me in directions I would never imagine.

Stopping to Listen to the still small voice……….. I hear what the Lord put on my heart and what He wants to tell me. It took me a while to know when He speaks and to trust in what I heard. Having that connection is very reassuring and I get a lot of comfort and peace knowing He is always there.

Submerging myself in his Word…………. Finding time to Read the Bible daily is difficult for me and many people I know…. making time to learn how God thinks to Know what is holy and acceptable to Him is necessary for spiritual growth.

Sharing my time and resources to help others…………… I try to be Gods hands on earth and each of us can be in our small way. When I do this I am so blessed knowing I am helping others.

Let’s not get it twisted, I am not perfect, I sin, I don’t do everything I should, I fail, I lose my peace…..

But as they say……. I am not what I should be but Thank God I am not what I use to be…….

Blessings Always